Lumbar Patient & Fever for Child

1. Lumbar Patient

As a physician, it was an amazing experience for me personally to see Dr P. Balasubramanian’s online healing of  patients over the phone. This patient had lumbar vertebral disc prolapse and partial spinal cord compression cord with paralysis of one leg, with loss of sensation and loss of bladder and bowel function. She was healed by  his Cosmic energy healing technique in few minutes(which was mind blowing), when we called him over the phone from London to India telling the patient's problem and the patient is one of my relatives, who did not have the faith in her doctors or medical system. The patient’s condition otherwise was warranting a surgical decompression and long recovery time following surgery. The cosmic healing only took few minutes and it was a miraculous experience. 

2.Fever for child

He healed one child of 3 years old who had fever for 6 months  in London. They tried all methods and medicines ,but nothing had worked. One day her mother called me and told about this continuous fever. I requested Dr P Balasubramanian who told to ask her mother to keep the hand on the body of the child. She kept her hand for 4 hours continuously in night and temperature became normal. Everybody was surprised.


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