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This technique is a simple and practical one, and can be learnt in a minute. The secret is to keep one’s hands on the affected parts until the problem is solved. I have explained all the common diseases faced by mankind including the sexual problems as a ready reckoner. This is a universal method, which can be followed by anyone from the age of 20 to 100 years. There is no nationality, religion, caste, creed, gender and language involved in this system. I want to popularize this method. Many people throughout the world are teaching and selling unwanted things and exploiting the weakness of people. Everybody in the whole world charge 1000-2000 Dollars and take a week to teach. They do not do healing and they only teach symbols and sell crystals, Malas and Pyramids. The system is so simple and there is nothing to teach. It works wonderfully if you keep your hands on the affected parts. You can share the method with anyone. But do not do healing for others. Ask them to do it themselves.


It is a scientific system.
Scientific Explanation

Man, a 4-pole magnet, with the crown (pineal gland) as its
positive pole, the SPINAL CORD as its negative pole, the heart’s right side being a positive pole and its left side, the negative pole, has become the centre of observation of the Russian scientists. These scientists have done extensive research and found out that the quantity of energy emanated by the hand is 1 billionth of a watt and runs at a speed of 52-78 GHz (Billion cycles/second) to cure the blockades of the afflicted parts. For instance, an afflicted part means the presence of blockades, that is to say, when ease is disturbed, disease comes. The infused cosmic energy goes to the source, that is, the disturbed path of the flow of electrons, and cures it to perfection. It creates equilibrium and puts these electrons back on their track. This is a scientifically proven technique. 

Hence, my formula is: 
Energy +  Thought = Success.

Keep your hands-on affected parts with intention. You will achieve success.

The advantages of this method are: -
1. One can do it anywhere, viz. while talking, watching TV and even while     travelling.
2. No rituals and    methodologies are involved
3. It is a scientific system
4. This gift is in everybody's hands. For all problems, just keep the hands on the body.

It had transformed many others and me. Hence, I give here the benefit of this experience to all the citizens of this world.

How to achieve peace and solve the problems

Keep your hands at the appropriate places as per your problems. Practice is the secret. Keep your hands until the problem is solved. You can do it while travelling, watching TV or lying down. As you practice cosmic therapy, you will start to appreciate it better. The common problems faced by men and women are: 
1. Lack of concentration 
2. Injuries 
3. Fear 
4. Memory Power
5. Injury
6. Lack of self-confidence/Success
7. Eye pain
8. Low Energy and tiredness
9.    Stress and sleep
10. Digestion
11. Concentration
12. Depression
13. Pain 

I will give solutions one by one to all the problems facing the present generation. 

1. Memory Power
 This is a common problem for all.

Solution: Keep the hand on the right and left side of the brain.

2. Lack of Concentration 
This is a common problem faced by all. 
Students are not able to concentrate, as there are many distractions. When they are studying, many thoughts come and interfere. For concentration power, we have to activate the pituitary gland further. The pituitary gland is in the forehead. Keep the hand on the forehead and on the back head. When the forehead is activated, the pituitary gland gets charged. The pituitary gland, which is called the master gland, secretes ten different types of hormones. The face becomes bright, clarity of thinking improves and one is able to concentrate better. Everything comes only by practice. Hence, practice, practice, and practice! 

Solution: Keep your hands-on forehead and back head as shown in the photo 

3. Injuries 
 Everyone commonly encounters sprains, stiff muscles and bruises. They can heal these on their own. For example, if a person has got sprain in the left knee, he can keep his hands on the knee with intention. When you keep the hand on the knee, the energy goes there and removes the blockages. They have to keep the hand until the pain goes. Suppose you have stiffness in your calf muscles, you only have to keep your hand on the calf muscles. The heat of the hand automatically removes muscular tension. The same thing applies to bruises as well. 

Solution: Keep your hands on the affected parts until the pain goes.

4.  Fear, Stress and sleep
 Stress and tension are common to all. In all these problems, the common denominator is to keep one’s hands on the affected part. The stresses are of two types; one is emotional stress; another is mental stress. For emotional stress, one has to keep one hand on the heart and the other hand on the stomach, just above the navel. The energy goes to the heart and stomach, which are the emotional centers of the body. When the energy reaches it, the fear goes.  Cosmic energy has released the blockage. Regarding mental stress, ‘mental’ signifies the brain. The person has to keep his hand on his head and pass energy until the tension is released. When you keep the hand on the affected part, the warmth in the hand opens the blood vessels and improves blood circulation. The secretion of the lactate comes down. The more the secretion of lactate, the more the tension level. So when one keeps the hand there, the tension comes down. When the tension level comes down, you will feel calm, as your head becomes light. 
Some people do not get good sleep due to stress. For this, they have to keep their hands on the heart and the stomach. 

Solution: Keep the hands on the heart and stomach as shown in the photo.

5. To improve Self-confidence 
Many people do not have faith in themselves. They feel they are inferior. This may be due to past trauma they may have experienced. This trauma remains in their subconscious mind. Passing the cosmic energy to the head can remove this. If they practise for three days, the past trauma will easily disappear and they will feel confident. 

Solution: Keep the hands on the right and left side of head. 

6.Eye pain
Many wears glass.  Eyestrain and headache are inter-related. For eye pain, energize the eyes by passing cosmic energy to the eyes. This is called palming technique. When you gently keep your hands on your eyes, cosmic energy goes to the eyes and the strain reduces. If the headache is on the top of the head, keep your hand on the head. 
Solution: Palming of the eyes with both hands 

7. For professional success
Solution: Keep the hands on the front throat and the back throat.

8. Indigestion
Indigestion is a common problem for all. You should keep both your hands on both sides of the stomach. 
Avoid junk food and spicy food. Chew the food and eat. Do not eat anything when you are not hungry.

9. Depression
The other stress-related problem is depression. People refer to depression as spirit work or evil forces. In fact, there is no such thing as spirits or evil forces. The blocked-up emotions are the cause of the problems. When we apply positive cosmic energy, it removes the negative energy. Some people call this negative energy or evil forces. Cosmic therapy has removed depression for quite a number of people. One out of four people, who come to see me, suffer from this type of disease. All age groups of people, right from children of five years up to eighty years, suffer from psychosomatic diseases. 

With cosmic therapy, a person can heal himself. It has helped so many people. The moment depression is released the physical problem vanishes. People who come to me with back pain and neck pain feel better when depression is released. Depression is the source of many diseases. Even some skin diseases come from emotional problems. 
Solution: Keep your hands on heart and stomach until you are calm and quiet.

10. Tiredness
Keep your hands on the urinary bladder and the end of spinal cord.

Bronchial Asthma: Occurs when the bronchial vessels are blocked.

Cardiac Asthma: Occurs when the chest is affected by attacks. 

Renal Asthma: Problem in kidneys and its consequent affliction.

Asthma, in general, is the shrinking of the respiratory organs that result in decreased supply of air to the liver, which result in palpitation and suffocation. 

To cure these people, infusing cosmic energy into them can strengthen the thyroid and the para-thyroid glands. This removes the blocks in these parts and the relieved person can take cold water from then on. Though placing hands on the thyroid and para thyroid glands along with the hands on the chest effectively curtails asthma, placing one hand on the front throat and the other on the chest ensures a quick recovery.

On an average, the presence of eosinophilia in the blood should be between 3% and 7% which when increases results in the breeding of viruses. Phlegm, cough, sneeze and running nose are all symptoms of increased presence of eosinophilia in the blood. The respiratory organs are infused with cosmic energy when you place your hands on the chest, throat and the neck.

The carbohydrate content in the food we eat gets digested and mixes with the blood in the form of glucose. The normal level of glucose in a sample of 100ml of blood is 80 to 120 mg, but this increases to 120-160 mg when we take food. When the normal limit is exceeded, the excess glucose is excreted with urine. To contain this increased level of glucose in the blood, the gland secretes insulin through its beta cells. This insulin clears the excessive glucose present and coats the walls of the liver as glycogen, which induces strength to the cells. Diabetes occurs when the beta cells of the gland get affected in some way, thus preventing it from secreting the required insulin in the blood. 
Proper medicines along with cosmic energy therapy (placing one hand on the chest and the other on the belly) can be adopted to control it. 

Many couples come forward to learn cosmic energy therapy to cure them and bear a child. A man’s sperm should be productive and capable of passing the live cells into a woman’s womb. Similarly, the woman’s ovum should be a full-grown egg and the tube to the womb free of blocks. Further, the womb should be strong and devoid of any other problems. 

Cosmic energy therapy demands treatment to the adrenal (kidneys), pituitary (forehead) organs and the end of spinal cord. 

Cosmic touch for organs

Men: Do cosmic therapy for penis, testicles, and urinary bladder by holding them for 10 minutes for three times a day

Women: Do cosmic therapy for Vagina, Uterus by touching them for 10 minutes for three times a day.

This has worked for many people when medicines fail to arrest urination.

Millions of people around the world suffer from headache, which leaves them bedridden.  Headache, generally, falls under two categories,
(1) Primary, that includes migraine
(2) Secondary that befalls on lack of metabolism and the presence of toxins in the blood.
If you keep your hands on your head and stomach, your headache will disappear.


Menopause is nothing but a biological change that occurs in women due to the reduced secretion of estrogen and progesterone glands. Normally occurring during 40 to 50 years of age, this menopause and the consequent pain can be effectively curtailed by cosmic energy therapy by keeping the hands on the uterus and organs.

17. For Pregnant Women
Pregnant women, when subjected to cosmic energy therapy, can feel vividly the baby’s movement in their womb. Even unborn and newborn babies can be cosmically energized. The most important impact is that these cosmically energized pregnant women are not prone to mental depression at any point of time. A psychological boost in confidence and courage is necessary for healthy delivery of the baby, and cosmic energy ensures just this conducive environment on pregnant women.
Premenstrual syndrome, the last stage before menses, results in excessive irritation and fatigue. 

If problems occur on these parts, placing hands on the uterus and the organ will solve the problem.

18. Women’s Menses problems

Cosmic energy therapy should be more intensely practiced during the menses, as extra effort is needed to complement the body when it sheds its impurities. The menses may not be normal for many women with some complaining of excessive discharge of blood and pain. But cosmic energy, being a natural therapy in itself, effectively controls this problem. The parts where hands can be placed to treat include the womb, reproductive organs, end of spinal cord and forehead.

Heart pain is caused when cosmic energy is not properly channelized into the heart’s energy Centre. This can be effectively curtailed when cosmic energy is channelized to the heart’s energy centers.
The reasons for such kind of heart ailments include tense situations, friction between relatives or emotional involvement in such situations. These factors block the heart’s energy centers and hinder the flow of cosmic energy. 

Place one of your hands either on the heart (situated on the left side of your chest) or its energy Centre and the other hand on the stomach. The period for which this treatment should be continued varies according to the intensity of the ailment and pain. Hence, this treatment may be continued till one finds a comfortable and positive change and relief from pain.

Osteoporosis reduces the density of the bones, pushing them to become fragile and easily breakable. Hence old people, especially women, are prone to excessive damage in the hipbones, leg or hand and get fractures when they lose balance and fall. These accidents leave old people completely bedridden, throwing their lives out of gear. The bones gain weight only between 20 and 30 years of age. After this period, as the age increases, the bones are exposed to the wear and tear stage of life. Women, particularly after menopause, are severely exposed to this stage and their bones lose considerable weight.

Speaking cosmically, placing one’s hands on the end of spinal cord infuses cosmic energy to treat osteoporosis. 

According to the World Health Organisation, nearly 360 million of people are affected by arthritis around the globe. Physically, a tissue called the cartilage, which secretes the synovial hormones on its outer walls, covers two ends of a bone. The joints present in the body of a person include the finger joints, wrist, ankle, shoulders, thighs, knees, the feet, thumbs, the joints on the neck and hip joints. Affliction of these joints is termed arthritis. 

Rheumatoid Arthritis
Termed as inflammation of the joints, this autoimmune disease in arthritis occurs due to lack of resistance in the body. The rogue antibodies produced by the immune system consume the tissues and erode them. This is called a rich man’s disease. By keeping hands on the heart and kidneys, the problem can be managed.

Hair fall is one of the most common problems one faces today. Women in particular attach great importance to hair and spend their little available time standing before mirrors and lamenting on the loss of hair. The source of hailfall again goes to mental depression, lack of iron and vitamins. When cosmic energy is channelized on the head by placing hands on it, the blood flow increases and once more rekindles growth of the hair. But practice holds the key to positive results. Baldness, partial hair loss and improper hair growth are common afflictions.

23.Eye Problems
The eye is a vital organ in the human body. Normally, a person blinks 22 times a minute, but when he watches TV or works at the computer, this blinking rate is considerably reduced, resulting in eye problems. The more time you spend before a TV or a computer screen, the more your blinking rate gets reduced, creating a sensation of heat on the eyes. This results in the drying up of eyes, squint eyes and pain. Reading in a lying position may also cause eye problems. 
Contrary to the popular misconception that cosmic energy should not be infused into the eye; cosmic energy can be channelized in the eyes too. This does no harm. In fact, cosmic energy cures glaucoma, the one-eye vision of Lazy eye and other eye problems. A continuous practice of cosmic energy therapy strengthens the eyes, and spectacles can be avoided. Even cataracts in the eyes are cured by this therapy and it further lessens the impact of the eye diseases as well. Hence infusion of cosmic energy cures all eye-related problems.

Insomnia leaves a man sleepless for days together. A rich man is more exposed to this condition as he is ever filled with umpteen problems and evasive solutions. Many people, irrespective of their status, consume liquor and other intoxicants to attract sleep, but the only effect is the deterioration of health.
Placing one hand on the heart’s energy Centre and the other on the stomach gives the yearning soul good sleep. The reason for placing a hand on the heart’s energy Centre is that it is the abode of countless problems, tensions and depression. And the stomach is the Centre of anger and its subsequent causes and miseries. When the hand is placed on these areas, negative factors decrease and perish, and is replaced by sleep-inducing positive factors. The mind is tranquillized and made to rest and sleep. Placing both the hands on the chest and stomach creates an ambiance of equilibrium in one’s emotions. The most comfortable aspect of this therapy is it can be done even in a lying position. When negative vibrations come down, sleep embraces a man, and peace is born.

The longest part of the body, the skin, is 175 sq.m in breadth and ½ cm thick. The blood vessels and nerves are cojoined together and control the heat of the body. The sweat acts as an exit to keep the body heat in equilibrium.  Skin diseases like rashes, dry skin, pimples, cracks, contraction, lack of nutrition, freshness, irritation and other irregularities can be dealt with by placing of hands on the throat and kidneys to infuse cosmic energy.

This occurs by the formation of fluids in the sinus area of the nose. Irregularity in the inner tissues and flesh may also lead to sinusitis. Cosmic energy therapy requires the placing of fingers on either side of the nose’s bones and infusing cosmic energy into it, followed by placing of hands on the front and rear portions of the throat and neck. 

27. Tooth pain
For pain in teeth and gums, just keep the fingertips on the face where there is pain in the teeth. It will go away just like that. I did not know this before. When I kept my finger on the face, the pain went off within 2 minutes. Had I known this before, I would not have removed the wisdom teeth on one side. Now I am managing with wisdom teeth only on one side. Cosmic therapy is a really great method! 

28.Pain in the ears
For pain the ears and inside, keep the palm 
over the ears Pain will go.

29.Frequent urination (urinary incontinence)
This is a common problem for many people.

Cosmic touch for organs

-Men: Do cosmic therapy for penis, testicles, and urinary bladder by holding them for 10 minutes for three times a day

-Women: Do cosmic therapy for the Vagina and Uterus by touching them for 10 minutes for three times a day.

This has worked for many people when medicines failed to arrest urination.

30.Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get or keep an erection firm enough to have sexual intercourse. It's also sometimes referred to as impotence. Occasional ED isn't uncommon. Many men experience it during times of stress. Frequent ED can be a sign of health problems that need treatment. It can also be a sign of emotional or relationship difficulties that may need to be addressed by a professional.

ED is not the only male sexual problem. Other types of male sexual dysfunction include:
Premature ejaculation
Delayed or absent ejaculation
Lack of interest in sex
An erection is the result of increased blood flow into your penis. Blood flow is usually stimulated by either sexual thoughts or direct contact with your penis.

-Men: Do cosmic therapy for penis, testicles, and urinary bladder by holding them for 10 minutes for three times a day

-Women: Do cosmic therapy for Vagina, Uterus by touching them for 10 minutes for three times a day.
This has worked for many people when medicines failed to arrest urination.

31.Premature Ejaculation
Premature ejaculation is a form of sexual dysfunction that can adversely affect the quality of a man's sex life. It is when an orgasm occurs sooner than wanted. In most cases, there is a psychological cause, and the prognosis is good. 
Cosmic touch for organs

-Men: Do cosmic therapy for penis, testicles, and urinary bladder by holding them for 10 minutes for three times a day

-Women: Do cosmic therapy for Vagina, Uterus by touching them for 10 minutes for three times a day.
This has worked for many people when medicines failed to arrest urination.

The people of the whole world with a population of 880 crores should get the benefit of this wonderful gift of God everyone (both men and women) has already got in their hands but many do not know it. This material has to be translated to all languages. This will be big service to humanity of 880 crores since everyone has one problem or other. The COVID has divided the people. This universal method will unite the people of the whole world with love, peace and brotherhood.

Books written by Balasubramanian.

A. Technical Books
1 Energy Auditing Made Simple
2 How to make money through Energy Auditing Vol.1 & 2 
3 ISO Auditing Made Simple
4 Water scarcity and flood control in India
5 Practical Ready Reckoner for Energy Auditing

B. Personality Development books
1 The Ultimate Gateway of Success
2 Olimayamana Ethirkalam-Tamil (Part 1 & 2) 
3 Reiki Sikichayin Ragasyangal — Tamil
4 Vanaveethiyil Oru Vetri Payanam — Tamil
5 Reiki Secrets Revealed
6 Future with Nature
7 Light the Lamp of success
8 Cosmic Road map of success
9 Energy Neuro Programming for Personality Development
10 Success in digital world
11 Wonder therapy with nature 
12 Build a bright future with nature for your sons and daughters
13 Gift a bright future with nature to your father and mother
14 Reiki enum irai sikichai-Tamil
15 Survival of the fittest in the digital world
16 Neer Patrakurai matrum vella kattupadu
17 Iyarkai sakthiyin Arputham - Manitha Vazhkai Prachanaikalukku
18 Vazhkaiyil Vetriyadaya Prapancha Sakthi
19 Vetri Ungal Kayil
20 Vetri Sikichchai
21 How to solve water crisis in India
22 Digital Ulakil pizhakka theyria vendum
23 Electronic Asprin Cosmic Energy
24 Ethirkalam Ungal Kaiyil (Vol 1)
25 Prapancha Sakthi Mahimai (Vol 2)
26 Prapancha Sakthi Sikichayin Ragasiyangal
27 Water Management
28 Water Scarcity and flood Control
29 The Art & Science of winning in Life


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